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For Our Parents

At Kids Company we believe in the power of partnership between families and educators. We understand that your child’s early years are a crucial time for growth and development, and we are committed to working hand-in-hand with you to create a nurturing and engaging environment. When you enroll your child with us, you become part of our close-knit community. We provide a calendar of events for the entire year, ensuring that you have ample opportunities to be involved in your child’s education and to connect with other families. From our special “Date Night” events, where your children can enjoy popcorn and a movie at school while you take some well-deserved time for yourself, to engaging activities and workshops, we strive to create a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Our doors are always open, and we welcome your participation, ideas, and feedback. Together, we can create a strong foundation for your child’s lifelong love of learning. 

Fees, and What's Included

Term Dates